So here at WorldOfMadnessTV we been working on Twitch Streamer Oxiegrogx, new background screens for her OBS program, one for when she is Trucking (coughs crashing into road signs…RIP to them) and the other for her gaming playing SIMS (seriously she has a love and addiction to the game..will have to watch to see what I mean :D).
we looked at the channel thought about it then as we always do “For Science” experiment with the different features of DUN DUN DA (Inserted dramatic music here) “Photoshop”. then decided wait she has screen shots of her sims so we Pinched…..BORROWED hahaha the images and ghosted them into the back ground with the text and SIMS diamond. with the trucking we got the …wait for it (adds suspense) – the “scania Truck to the back ground changed it to a purpley … yes thats a word…maybe in my head 😀 – and then added her avi in the driving seat. you want to see these new screens why not go check her out at let her know We send you over (psst and if she is trucking ask how are the road signs ….. waits for the next head slap from her hahah)
(btw Pictures are on the right side of this post or below if on mobile)
Well then thats this update dun and dusted…. starts opening games
Peace out and have a great day

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